We are closed from July 22 to July 26 for construction holidays.


Groupe Somac places the highest importance on the personal data and information on its groupesomac.com site. We therefore do our utmost to safeguard your privacy, as well as the related data and other information.

Collecting personal information

Through our servers and website, we collect information such as IP address, operating system, navigator used, date and time of your visit, pages visited and requests, URL reference addresses and time spent on our site. We also collect – on our website and from the registration, purchase, contest and survey forms accessible there – information including family name and first name, full address, telephone and fax numbers, credit card numbers, sex, age and date of birth. Similar information is also collected through advertising on Facebook, Google AdWords and other online advertising media.
We collect this information solely to enhance the user experience and understand our customers’ needs.


Our website uses cookies to collect information on users’ habits and to personalize your use of our site. These text files are temporarily stored on your computer, tablet or telephone and are harmless. You can erase them at any time by changing your navigator’s preferences.
We are active in remarketing and use Google Analytic, Google AdWords and Facebook’s advertising systems. We also advertise our products on third-party sites through agreements reached directly with these sites or indirectly through Google AdWords and Facebook. We are in no way liable for these sites’ practices. These uses are solely intended to enhance the experience of users of the website.
Transmission, sale or disclosure of your personal information
Under no circumstances do we transmit, sell or otherwise disclose your personal data and other information.


Personal information and data are stored in secure locations. Access to the data and other information is limited to a few employees bound by a confidentiality agreement. While it is impossible to safeguard this information against all unfortunate circumstances, we use the best protocols we know of (SSL/HTTPS protocol, access management, back-up tools, identifier and password, etc.) to ensure its security.

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