We are closed from July 22 to July 26 for construction holidays.


General information

The following provisions constitute the legal agreement between the user of the groupesomac.com website and Groupe Somac Inc. with respect to this site. This agreement may be amended at any time. Please read carefully what follows before using groupesomac.com. Your use of groupesomac.com confirms that you agree to all our usage conditions. If you decline, please do not use groupesomac.com. All content on this site is the property of Groupe Somac Inc. and may in no way be used, copied or reproduced without our prior consent.

Content of solto.ca and products offered

The content, the services offered and the products and their purchase price may all be modified at any time without notice. Certain characteristics, in particular the weight and dimensions of some products, are approximate and thus may vary. We make every effort to provide the most accurate figures possible. However, some characteristics, such as colour, may vary from one computer screen to another. In this regard, it is impossible for us to guarantee anything whatsoever. The fact that a service, information, a product or a price is posted on groupesomac.com in no way means that this service, information, product or price is offered or accessible at any time. We endeavour to keep the information on this site updated so that, to the extent possible, it is complete and accurate, but we are not bound to do so. We in no case state that the information on this site is complete, exhaustive and accurate. We may make changes to this site’s content without notice.


This site may contain internal links to other sites. We also advertise our products on third-party sites under agreements reached directly with these sites or indirectly through Google AdWords and Facebook. We are in no case liable for the practices and level of security of these sites. Any link to this site without Groupe Somac’s consent is prohibited. All links must meet regulatory requirements and comply fully with the laws, rules and regulations in force.

Limited liability

Groupe Somac Inc. may in no case be held liable for any damages caused to you by use of solto.ca. Our firm, its shareholders, its staff and the contractors whose services it uses cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by use of groupesomac.com. In the event of a problem with groupesomac.com and its content, your sole recourse is to stop using our site. In the event of a problem with a product purchased on solto.ca, you must first read our policies and, as required, contact us in order for these policies to be applied. Use of this site is at your own risk and in no case do we guarantee the smooth functioning of this site and its transactional process. The only warranties applicable are those concerning a product; these appear on this site and are provided at the time of purchase.


Groupe Somac Inc. reserves the right to serve or not serve certain regions and provinces and certain countries. The variable delivery time is approximately four (4) weeks. We cannot guarantee the date and time of delivery already given to you. These may have to be changed without notice. We reserve the right to cancel an order as deemed necessary. Charges will apply if we cannot deliver a product as scheduled and under conditions we deem acceptable. You must ensure that the information you give us is accurate and it must remain so throughout the purchase process. You will be held liable for any missing or altered information, in which case charges will apply. Kindly also read the purchase and delivery regulations available on this site and provided at the time of purchase.

Unsuitable content

It is strictly prohibited to transmit or post material or content that is obscene, illegal, threatening or blasphemous or that might lead to illegal acts. If Groupe Somac Inc. deems that such acts have been committed, it reserves the right to take legal action against those who commit such acts or to take any other measures it deems necessary. Groupe Somac Inc. cannot in any case be held liable for acts committed by users of its site.

Network security and efficiency

Groupe Somac Inc. cannot be held liable for any failure with respect to the security and efficiency of the networks it uses and can in no way guarantee total security and efficiency. In using this site, you must be aware that it may suffer slowdowns, cyberattacks or breakdowns and may contain programming errors. We are not liable for a user’s partial or complete inability to navigate on this site for whatever reason.

Situations beyond our control

Groupe Somac Inc. will not provide compensation for or reimburse any costs incurred in the event of damage, breakage or situations beyond our control or resulting from an Act of God.

Accepted methods of payment

We accept payments made using Visa and MasterCard credit cards.

Applicable laws

This contract is governed by the laws of Québec (Canada). You hereby agree that any dispute related to Groupe Somac Inc. and this site will be brought before the courts of the district of our Mirabel head office.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate at any time your account and your use of this site for any reason. You are liable for purchases made and costs incurred on this site. We also reserve the right to take down the site, alter it or suspend access to it without notice. If you have questions or requests, please contact us at info@groupesomac.com or by phone at 514-508-4400

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